Svenska Institute of Technology

Employability & Prosperity

Only Institute in India dedicated to train freshers and experienced field staff on sophisticated equipment in the Mining, Construction Equipment and Commercial Vehicle Industry segment. 

svenska students


Every success story has an element of sacrifice and pain associated with it. The Svenska Institute of Technology (SIT) was no exception. Except that it overcame all of it, along with new challenges in over a decade since its inception in 2007.

Its Promoter-Director Mr. Mangesh Vaidya has vast working experience of 20 years with the Tata Group of Companies. He carried the ethos, retained the work ethics acquired during his stint and took them forward. In 2000, the spirit of entrepreneurship overcame him and he became a dealer of the renowned Volvo construction equipment for Maharashtra, Chhatisgarh and Goa. This startup, with all its initial struggles, was the bud which blossomed to establish itself in the industry as a reliable source for CE Machines.

From 2005-07, a breakthrough  business order in Goa threw an unexpected challenge: commitment to provide end-to-end customer support to operate and maintain equipment on site. Mangesh had already envisioned that the phenomenal growth of CE machinery in India would require skilled manpower to operate and maintain them. That’s when the revolutionary concept “You Buy We Run” – unprecedented in the industry – evolved and was executed.

This further inspired the noble thought of starting an institute – the Svenska Institute of Technology – to create in-house trained manpower with high employability in operating and maintaining CE machines not only across the country but overseas.
In 2011, SIT transformed into a Section 25 (Section 8) company as it constituted a commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility. Its vision to “Skill India” drew many underprivileged students from rural India to receive its training programs and pursue their career as skilled Mechanics, Technicians and Operators in the Construction Equipment Industry.

The story so far…

SIT has trained nearly 2500 in-house aspirants from construction machine operators, senior mechanics, junior engineers to foremen, warehouse managers, and even service engineers. Over 700 students joined as “freshers” from other institutes like the ITIs, and Diploma & Engineering Colleges. They were trained and eventually well-placed in the industry. To support underprivileged students from a poor socio-economic background, SIT runs programs in collaboration with the CE industry under the “Learn & Earn” Scheme where a student’s training at SIT is sponsored by associate corporate houses and he repays the training fees upon getting employed. Today, these students are fully settled and capable of sustaining themselves while contributing to their family’s welfare and happiness.

…and now unfolding

Svenska Institute of Technology’s vision for India is to become “Equipment Service Provider Hub of the World.” India is considered to be the backbone of the US’s Silicon Valley.
Hence it won’t be long till SIT becomes the “Technical Manpower Supplier for Infrastructure Equipment” of the world.
And that would be the most fitting climax to an inspiring story. Or the beginning of a sequel.

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